UPDATE: 9/15/15 – All the Coney Island Puppies have been adopted!
CONEY ISLAND PUPPIES UPDATE: Our litter of seven starving puppies, abandoned at Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) at 3 1/2 weeks in early June, have thrived during in our One Lucky Pup rescue and rehabilitation program. We are honored that our city shelter asked us to save their lives, letting us know immediately upon intake so that we could pull them that same day and provide vital urgent medical care.
The heartbreak of unexpectedly loosing Dutch after only four days was mended by the unlikely survival of the smallest pup (2lbs.), Coney, hospitalized and near death for days. In honor of Dutch, we gave him his middle name, now calling him Coney-Dutch. The litter was fostered together until they were 7 weeks old, under the watchful eye of Mr. Bones. For the following three weeks, Mr. Bones ‘weened’ his litter, with the final four being transferred to other foster homes at 10 weeks. We’re so appreciative of the Trossman and Quinn families, as well as Kelly Thompson for taking over foster duties once they were old enough to divide.
This litter has been a beautiful lesson in the fragility of life and a testimony to patience, teamwork and compassion. The outpouring of support was tremendous, with nearly everything on our puppy supply wish list being sent our way from friends and strangers. We received donations covering almost half of the 4K we spent to save Coney’s life. Each update post we shared resulted in a flurry of well wishing comments and support that kept us going.
Our journey with these little ones, survivors of an animal cruelty investigation that resulted in charges being filed against the perpetrator for his abuse of other puppies, has been incredible. So many kind people became an indelible part of their story of survival and for that, we extend our most sincere thanks.